Most financial aid, apart from student loans, is awarded based on financial need. 当你申请联邦学生资助时, your financial information is processed using a formula established by Congress. This formula calculates your Student Aid Index (SAI), formerly known as the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The SAI represents the amount you and your family are expected to contribute toward your education, though this may differ from your actual contribution.
如果你的SAI低于某个阈值, 你可能有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金, provided you meet all other eligibility criteria.
There is no maximum SAI that automatically disqualifies you from other financial aid programs. Instead, your SAI is used in this equation to determine your financial need:
Financial Need (FN) = 出勤费用 (COA) - Student Aid Index (SAI)
We calculate your total cost of attendance and subtract your expected contribution. If there's a remaining amount, you have demonstrated financial need. We strive to assemble a financial aid package that meets as much of this need as possible. However, due to limited funding, the aid offered to you may not cover all of your eligible amounts.
评估你对援助的需求, we also consider any other educational resources you're expected to receive during the academic year.